Subject - Physical Education
Physical Education
◆ Physical Education (PE) is“to educate students through physical activities”. It aims to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety. The subject also aims to promote the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. It strengthens students’ confidence and life skills, especially those of teamwork, communication, creativity and critical thinking. These features aim to contribute to the foundations of our students’ life-long and life-wide learning.
Curriculum Aims of PE
It aims to help students:
◆ develop motor skills and acquire necessary knowledge through physical activities and cultivate positive values for the development of a healthy lifestyle;
◆ acquire good health, physical fitness and body coordination through an active lifestyle; and
◆ promote desirable moral behaviours, cooperation with others, ability in making decisions and the appreciation of aesthetic movements.
Football team

Volleyball team
Skipping team

Cricket team
Basketball team
Useful Link
The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation
Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA)
Hong Kong Cricket
Hong Kong Basketball Association
Volleyball Association of Hong Kong